Credit Card Terms of Use

Credit Card Terms of Use

1. General

The terms of use of the site are worded in masculine for convenience and apply to both men and women. Anyone who purchases the site’s services in any way, whether by telephone and / or in any other form, hereby declares and undertakes that he has read the provisions indicated and agrees to its instructions as well as to be bound by it. The use of the website and the lack of explicit and written consent to the terms of use, indicates the user’s unequivocal consent to the terms of use and the user’s obligation to act in accordance with them.

2. Terms of use – Purchase of Services and Receipt of Information

Various actions can be performed on the site solely for the purpose of placing orders, receiving services and / or information. Do not use and you are not permitted to use the site for other purposes. Anyone over the age of 18 with a valid credit card from one of the active credit card companies in Israel or outside of Israel (or with the express permission of the credit card holder), may submit offers to purchase services through the website. The details of the operation on the website, including the details of the offer and the details of the buyer, will be transmitted via an encrypted security protocol (SSL), which is accepted in e-commerce, to the Company’s data processing servers. These details will not be passed on by the Company and the operators of the site to external parties, except for the credit card company and suppliers, and this is only in order to complete the purchase operations performed by the buyer. The dealer reserves the right to use the details provided by the buyer for the purpose of analysing statistical information and for future marketing use. In this case, the data will not personally relate to the operator and will not identify him.

Your order or offer (hereinafter – an offer) for the receipt of services will be accepted, provided that all of the following conditions are met:

  1. Approval is given for the transaction from the buyer’s credit company.
  2. The requested products are in stock.
  3. The Company has approved your order and has approved the provision of services by its part. The Company reserves the right for the provision of services to any of its Clients and or users of the service under its sole consideration.

3. How to Purchase the Services on the Website

Purchase of services appearing on the site through the site will be possible subject to the following actions being taken:

  1. The Client will be required to register on the site by filling in his personal details and confirming the terms of use of the site.
  2. Upon registering on the site, the Client will be required to log in with the username and password they set for the site.
  3. Creating an order by the system on the website and choosing the advertising package he would like to purchase.
  4. After selecting the advertising package, the Client will be required to enter the title of the subject of the article as well as the content of the advertising message plus an image.
  5. After filling in all the details listed above, the Client will be required to choose the means of payment and make the payment accordingly.

4. Operating Hours

The site is active all year round, except during standard holidays in Israel. It is possible that the response and / or the handling of the customer’s purchase will take place during the company’s operating hours on Sundays-Thursdays, between the hours of 10:00-18:00.

5. Pricing and Services Policy

The company offers a number of advertising channels and packages with varying levels of exposure for different rates, as detailed on the prices page on the website at If the Client has purchased a balance right to publish notices in advance, as offered on the website, the balance will be available to him for only 365 days, at the end of the subscription period from the time of purchase , the balance will be transferred to the company.

6. Privacy Policy

When placing an order to purchase services through the website, the buyer will be required to enter personal details, order details, credit card details, etc. in the system (hereinafter – the details). The owners of the site and / or any of its operators and / or any of its managers and / or anyone on their behalf will not be responsible for any mistake made by the buyer when typing the details. In addition, the above will not be directly or indirectly responsible for any case in which the purchase details will not be received in the system and / or for any technical and / or other problem that prevents operations on the site. Please note that typing false information is a criminal offense. Legal action will be taken against submitters of false details, including tort claims for damages that may be caused to the site and / or the site owners and / or to any of its operators and / or to any of its managers and / or to anyone on their behalf. In the event of incorrect typing of details (including the personal details of the buyer), the company and / or anyone on its behalf reserves the right to reject the offer and\or provision of services. The company’s data processing computer maintains a computerized record of all operations performed on the site. This registration will constitute prima facie evidence of what is said in these actions. However, the server clock will constitute final and conclusive evidence as to the date on which an operation was performed on the site. The company may send e-mails to the operators of the operations and contact them in writing or orally with any information regarding the company’s promotions, innovations on the website, advertisements from selected commercial entities, etc., unless the buyer notifies in writing that he is not interested.

7. Payment for Services

All prices on the website include VAT, unless otherwise expressly stated if the company’s customer is an Israeli customer and the VAT law applies to it. The consideration for the services will be charged using the credit card whose details were typed by the customer before the purchase.

8. Cancelling and Order

The company abides by the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law (the: “Law”) and its regulations. However, since on this site it is only possible to order article preparation and publication services which are prepared solely for the use of the Client, as described in the Law 14 (c) (3), the right to cancel a transaction in accordance with the Consumer Protection (Cancellation of Transactions) Regulations, 2010 Does not apply. The following does not derogate from any existing right of the consumer by virtue of the Consumer Protection Law the Consumer Protection (Cancellation of a Transaction) Regulations (hereinafter: “Regulations”) and / or any other provision.

  • In the event of an approved cancellation, the credit card will be credited with a cancellation fee of 5% of the purchase value or NIS 100, whichever is lower, as is customary by law.
  • If the cancellation is due to a defect or non-conformity, the defect and / or non-conformity must be specified. In the event of cancellation of an order due to a defect or non-compliance with the service within the meaning of section 14E (a) of the Law, no cancellation fee will be charged at all.


9. Limitation of Liability

The Company and or the owners of the site and or its founders and or any of its operators and or any of its managers and or anyone on their behalf are not responsible for the server through which the site operates being free of viruses or components or other foreign elements that may damage or damage The user or other equipment of the user when he enters and or orders or services and or uses the site in any way. In addition, the company will not be responsible for illegal activity on the site performed by any user and or customer of the site and or any of its publications made or transmitted or any third party that is not under the control of the Company. The Company shall be entitled to terminate or prevent the connection or access of users to any part of the Site or the entire Site at any stage.

10. Intellectual Property

The use of the website is for personal purposes only and for the purposes specified in these regulations. The site contains information, part of which is protected by copyright, trademarks, and other property rights. This applies to both the written part and the images and graphics that appear on the site. The Company and or the site operators have the unique and exclusive right to use the information on the site and or part of it. User and or Purchaser and or a third party may not use, in any way, except for the purposes specified in these Terms, the information and or any part of it, which appears on the Website. The user and or the buyer and or a third party have any proprietary rights in the information contained on the website. Any user and or purchaser and or any third party may not alter, publish, transmit or transfer, take part in the transfer or sale and use the site, the information on the site, and or any part thereof to create a derivative work or utilize the site, And or the content of the site, in whole or in part, for any purpose, except for the purpose for which the site was created and except for the purpose for which the use of the site is permitted. The site contains links to nearby and or related sites on the Internet for the convenience of users only. The Company and or the site operators are not responsible for the contents of the other sites and or the information that appears on them in any way. All access and or use of the sites linked to the site is done at the user’s sole risk.

11. Indemnification

Anyone who improperly uses the site undertakes to indemnify and compensate the company and or the owners of the site and or its founders and or any of its operators and or any of its managers and / or anyone on their behalf for any claim and or expense and or damages of any kind. Including legal expenses, which will be incurred by the company or the owners of the site and or its founders and or any of its operators and or any of its managers and / or anyone on their behalf. Without derogating from the above, the user will compensate and or indemnify the company in respect of any claim and or demand that may come to it and which results from the user’s violation of these terms and conditions and or the provisions of the Law. The indemnification will be for any damage and or loss and or loss and or expense, of any kind and type, including legal expenses, which have been or will be caused to the company and or to any of its managers and or employees and or suppliers and or on its behalf. The user also empowers the company, as far as possible, to transfer to him any claim of any kind and to act to remove any liability from the company in respect of any claim arising from the user’s violation of these terms and or the provisions of the law.

12. Jurisdiction of Law

Any dispute between a Client and or user the website and the company regarding activity carried out on the website and or information appearing on the website will be clarified in accordance with Israeli law and a unique and exclusive local jurisdiction is hereby given to the Tel Aviv courts only.

13. Miscellaneous

The site reserves the right to change the terms of the regulations from time to time, as well as to change the range of services and prices offered on it and any other details appearing on the site, including its closure and or cancellation and or reduction and or expansion of services provided at its sole discretion. Of the company and or of the site operators. Delay or failure on the part of the company to exercise or enforce a right of its rights under these Terms, will not be seen as an explicit and or implied waiver or prevention on its part to use its rights in the future, and it may use all or part of its rights at any time. Any amount owed by the company to the user for any reason, the user will not be entitled to deduct from any amount owed to the company, except with the consent of the company, in advance and in writing.

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